
When the Lord began giving me revelation on these Scriptures in Genesis, he said,

“Some of my ministers teach what they heard taught and not what my Word says.”

So, I endeavored to stay away from teaching on this subject and just allowed him to show me what he wanted to show me through the Scriptures. In many cases when people have read different sections of the manuscript their response was, “This makes sense!” If you will put yourself in neutral in what you know and what you think you know, and allow the words of this book to create a picture on the inside of you, I believe you will have a more accurate picture of the beginning. The Devil one day will be cast into the lake of fire, but until then, we’re going to have to deal with him and his cohorts. I believe the Word of God through the light that the Lord gave me through his Word when believed and applied, will help you to walk in victory over him. The way that God and man operated, in the beginning, is a mirror of the way we will operate with the Lord in the future, operating through our spirits, and not through our souls. By no means am I saying that this is the full knowledge and revelation of the total beginning. But you will see some things differently. It’s important that we study God’s Word for ourselves. As we are walking in a more intimate, personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, they are our all in all. I challenge and encourage you to study God’s Word, prayerfully study his Word. “Lord, I want to know you, how you work, why you work, how you operate. I want to know YOU!”

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It’s our desire that God’s highest and best be realized in your life. We are committed to providing tools and resources to aid you in your journey to be all that God has created you to be. Take a moment and look around. We are continually growing and expanding as the Lord opens new and exciting doors of opportunity. We encourage you to consider our newest venture, “The Two Kingdoms.” We believe it will be an eye-opening experience as you read. You will understand basic principles and so be increased in your capacity to receive what God has for you. So get your copy and consider one for a loved one. Be blessed and increased in the grace and knowledge of God!


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